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The number one Lesbian Meetups in Oakland and East Bay - HER | Jewel Fuel

The number one Lesbian Meetups in Oakland and East Bay – HER

From key events to yogi events, Meetup has become one of the better systems to
satisfy groups of like-minded lezzies
out of your area. Absolutely practically some thing for all, but how do you know those are


effective? Where is best location in order to meet females, SF or Oakland? And which ones will need some great bae’s to generally meet? In celebration of our

Bay neighborhood release

, we have now taken together a 2 blog post important regarding finest Meetups from the Bay neighborhood. First up…

Holding some of the best functions and best brand-new coffee areas, the East Bay is now somewhat honey pot for queer ladies. Therefore we’ve developed a “hella tight” range of the East Bays’ greatest Meetups to save lots of you google search some time that uncomfortable situ when it is simply both you and an organizer. Bay area city group – don’t you worry – the follow up article is going to be coming-out soon, you can save your own Bart cash for drinks. Drum roll.

East Bay LGBTQQ Fun Group

2457 Members

The Vibe

: a more substantial LGBTQQ Meetup team, this crew go for about getting personal, getting on with many chuckling and taking pleasure in existence. The meet ups are concentrated around socializing and receiving an opportunity to talk to others – believe hiking and lots of outdoor activities. But for those into night shenanigans, there’s pleased hour and online game night. Coming soon: Laser Tag (YEA!), an exclusive brewery tour, and a big summer time BBQ.

The Community

: the group is normally into the 27-40 age-group and sized each meet up is just about 30-40 ladies. Bigger evenings have capped at 50 market around very easily very make sure you get in early. (additional method to attend: become a co-organizer because they’re looking for brand new associates!)

Next Event

: Laser label! place April 9th in the schedule and get in on the Meetup class to go to.

Join here:


Picture thanks to

Eastern Bay LGBTQQ Fun Group via Meetup

Eastern Bay Lesbian Helpful Activity Cluster

697 People

The Vibe

: friends mostly for anyone over 40, this group is far more activity brought and a fantastic possible opportunity to relate to different women being up for checking out something totally new. Dinners away, motion pictures, hikes, bicycle rides, dances and month-to-month socials are popular with the East Bay Lesbian helpful Activity cluster. There is an array of interests among 680+ members, therefore meet ups vary with anything from a tour from the model railway art gallery to a gathering at a belly dance festival. We mentioned it absolutely was varied!

The City

: The group has actually a range of centuries but most folks are within 40s, 50s or 60s. Most people are pleasant no matter what age. The majority of the meet ups are little sufficient for all to get to be able to link (imagine 5-10 individuals per meet up)

Then Occasion

: the following occasion is actually a lesbian history fundraiser in Berkeley. People who happened to be here in the SF Bay region during 70s and 80s is going to be sharing their recollections from that point! Cool.

Join here



Oakland & San Francisco – Lesbian Mixers, Activities, Tasks

1274 Members

The Vibe

: this package is far more about flirting, dating, interacting side. A normal occasion is actually a blender plus performance matchmaking with singles and sometimes couples, primarily lesbian and bisexual females. Think dancing, talking, performance dating, mixing and mingling. If you’re looking meet up with your upcoming gal friend, this might just be the group for your family.

The City

: ladies are between 21-55 and it is for many types – from butch to femme to andro, it really is a nicely varied group. A typical occasion like performance dating has actually to 22 ladies in the hot chair for introductions while downstairs the lounge celebration features between 25-75 women moving for the DJ.

Then Occasion

: recommendations include a visit playing where Kiss FM’s DJ Christie James shall be playing.

Join right here



Photo due to

Oakland & San Francisco – Lesbian Mixers, Activities, tasks via Meetup

Fun Girls Who Like Girls!

434 Members

The Vibe

:  These meet ups occur mainly around Oakland and san francisco bay area and tend to be dedicated to the younger crowd. Anticipate to satisfy a completely new-set of females at every occasion you sign up for. They will leave to comedy evening, video game evenings, picnics in playground, museum visits, speed-dating, and everyday bar gatherings. There is actually a meet around approach a trip to Thailand! It’s an absolutely relaxed, no pressure event of ladies. What much more would you require?!

The City

: this can be a Meetup for everyone inside their 20’s and 30’s, together with number of individuals can vary from 5 when it comes to more compact activities to 20 at their unique larger people.

After That Event

: the following recommended event is actually a Yoga sesh on Saturday March 21st.

Join right here



Sometimes it’s about fulfilling the right those who spark that memorable location. Enroll in HER, the whole world’s the majority of loved LGBTQ+ dating & area app (a safer and flirty replacement for most
lesbian forums
) to get your allies and even the person.

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